READY PhD course in progress

The 5-day PhD course “Analysis techniques for the transformation of buildings and distribution networks to 4th generation district heating” is currently taking place in Aarhus.

The first day focussed on data analysis techniques. Yesterday professionals shared their experiences, lessons learned and dilemmas. Today, multi-criteria decision making in district heating is the key topic.

Gorm Bruun Andresen, one of the organisers, says: We have reached our target number of participants but more importantly they are very inquisitive and keen to work with the techniques and dilemmas presented. The combination of theory and practical experience from professionals in hands-on exercises brings good insights and reflection.

The course participants include students and post-docs, as well as representatives from an equipment producer, a municipality, Lithuanian Energy Institute and Grøn Energi, the research unit of the Danish District Heat Association. Nationalities present include Chinese, Danish, Lithuanian, Russian, and Spanish.

Want to know more?

Please contact: Mrs. Kirsten Dyhr-Mikkelsen, Aarhus Municipality,