Integrated power hub solutions for buildings and the energy system

The deliverable is a report covering the subject in task 4.4: Virtual Power Plant (VPP) – the Power Hub. The scope of task 4.4 is how to use smart energy technologies, like virtual power plants, to mobilise distributed energy resources (DER) in energy system balancing, to the benefit of owners of the distributed resources, to the transmission system operator (TSO) and to society as such. The demonstrations associated with task 4.4 are:

  1. Virtual power plant solution for building/enterprises (small-scale energy producers/consumers) and
  2. Virtual power plant solutions at energy system level (large-scale energy producers/consumers).

Want to know more?

Delivery no. D.4.4.1 Report, including final design notes of integrated power hub solutions for buildings and the energy system
Please contact: Mr. Yakov Safir, Racell,