Analysis of district cooling (DC) demonstration projects in Växjö

This deliverable consist of a report describing the subject in the READY task 3.4.1: Analysis of District Cooling (DC) demonstration projects in Växjö. The scope of the task is to provide and analyze the possible optimal solutions for demonstrated projects. Demonstrations included in the READY project in Växjö is the following; (1) smart DC-centrals will be used to store cooling energy by sub cooling of buildings mass to decrease the peak loads in the system, (2) using DC return temperature for cooling of the renovated computer server center and (3) integrate the two district cooling networks to increase the amount of absorption cooling in the system.

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Delivery no. D.3.4.1 Report with design notes and analysis of District Cooling (DC) demonstration projects in Växjö
Please contact: Sofie Nielsen, Växjö Energy AB,