Concept for holistic design of integrated energy systems for high performance-energy districts

This work presents a thorough modeling and optimization of Aarhus district heating network, as a case study. Within the task 3.5.2, three scenarios are simulated. These scenarios are:

  1. a retrofitting scenario to asses the impact of different retrofitting shares of the building stock from 1972 on the case study district heating performance,
  2. integration of storages and its effect on the performance of the understudy system and
  3. seawater heat pump and waste heat producers integration.

The mentioned scenarios are modeled, simulated within different environments in order to answer as best as possible to the needs of the analysis. These scenarios are thoroughly discussed and the conclusions are finally presented.

Want to know more?

Delivery no. D.3.5.2 Report describing the concept for holistic design of integrated energy systems for high performance-energy districts
Please contact: Mr. Steffen Petersen, Aarhus Univercity,